Procedural Generation


Unity Road Generator see on github


After toying with convex meshes and procedural low poly models, this was the next step in my procedural generation adventure. I found a Catmull-Rom spline implementation in an obscure github repo and got to work. I cleaned up the code from there and used it to generate road meshes with curbs at the sides. It wasn’t much in terms of innovation but it was an experience of code archeology and adaptation.

Test Test

Voxel Marching Cubes Terrain see on github


Voxel-generated terrain is something that has always fascinated me. For this project, I started off with Scrawk’s Marching Cubes implementation. The program uses a noise texture as a heightmap to populate a grid of voxels, which are then meshed using Scrawk’s code. Top faces are rendered with a different color according to its normal vector.

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