
My name is João Costa, I’m a graphics and tools programmer from Portugal. I have been programming since late 2015 and selling packages on the Unity Asset Store since May of 2016. At first these packages were in the field of gameplay programming but have since shifted to procedural generation and visual effects. In this time period, I have occasionally done freelancing. You can read more about my most relevant freelance experience here.

Alongside my paid packages, I have 35+ open source repositories with comprehensive readmes on GitHub, most of them dealing with Unity and some form of graphics programming. My main goal with these is for them to serve as a reference for people trying to implement similar things.

I am well versed in C#, HLSL, GLSL and Python. I have briefly used C++, HTML and CSS for personal projects, and I have no difficulty picking up a new language if the need arises.

Contact me at: jpbotelho.costa@gmail.com