Graphical Engines


C# OpenGL Engine see on github


This was my attempt at writing the typical OpenGL engine that everyone does. Except I did it in C# using OpenTK, which is the language I’m most comfortable with. I did this so I didn’t have to learn the framework while learning C++. This way, I was able to learn the key concepts of rendering with OpenGL.

It is rather crude, but it is enough to create a decent picture straight out of 2005. It has got:

Basically, it loads Crytek Sponza and you can have a bunch of point lights in there and just have fun looking at them.

Here are some images:

Test Test Test

DirectX Engine see on github


This was my first attempt at writing an engine and interacting with a graphics API, as well as using C++. I believe I tried to follow rastertek’s tutorial but quickly derailed. In the end, I got to the very beginning stage of rendering, having implemented an obj model loader and sucessfully implemented an icosphere. I quickly got demotivated for my lack of progress and autonomy, and put aside the project and engine-programming in general until my above attempt at an OpenGL engine.

I don’t have many screenshots, because this barely rendered anything. But I do have this icosphere:
