

This Website

I am by no means a web developer. I developed this site using Jekyll, altering the default midnight theme’s html structure and css/scss and writing the content as markdown, like you see in the image. In order to tweak the theme to my liking, I had to learn the basics of html, css/scss and Shopify’s Liquid.



Music Video Generator see on github


I found myself wanting to post an obscure album on youtube. There were only videos with individual songs and they were quite old and prone to random deletions, so I wanted to upload my own video with the entire album. I looked at the options I had and didn’t like it - I basically had to use a video editor. And that wouldn’t scale well. What if I wanted to post another album? Of course, until now, it has never happened, and I even deleted the original video. But here is the generic solution to a unique problem!

It is a python script that given a folder of music with embedded metadata generates a cover video using FFMPEG. It’s been a while since I built it, but in the Github repo is a breakdown of the command generated for future reference.


Unity Recycle Bin see on github


Around this time I was writing Editor extensions for Unity and integrating several features into the native UI. This project was a way of practicing this, serving as a solution to a theoretical problem that I am yet to face or see anyone facing. But at the end of the day, it is a rather advanced editor extension that solves some rather interesting (but useless) techincal problems, such as handling files with the same name.

In terms of funcionality, it is pretty self explanatory - it serves as a recycle bin where you can track the files you deleted from within the Unity Editor. I originally intended to publish this on the Unity Asset Store for sale - hence the gimmicky cover image - but eventually decided against it.


2D Platformer Controller see on github


This was probably my first real project using the Unity Engine. It is, as the title states, a 2D Platformer Controller using their built-in Character Controller component, which is affected by collisions but only moves when told to.

I had it up for sale for I think a year or 2 on the Asset Store before sunsetting it due to lack of time to support/update. It had a bunch of cool features: Ladders, jetpacks, dashes. I think I even made a State Machine to set its current status so people could plug in their own animations.

It was a great project that taught me a lot about C# and Unity.

Discord Bot see on github


Discord bot with search capabilities in Youtube, Discogs and Musicbrainz.
